Trump supporters – are you happy now?

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This pullout from a recent comic strip panel by Gary Trudeau says it all.

Yes, I know, you’ve had it with Washington. You helped give the GOP the majority in the Senate, and they didn’t follow through with promises. Along came Donald Trump and you liked what he was saying; political correctness be damned.

I hope you’re happy now, because it appears there’s no turning back. Trump has been allowed to bully his way to several primary victories and two digit leads in most of the state primaries ahead. Continue reading

The question marks around Trump

“Mr. Trump has no policy anchor; his political strategy is to rile up the ignorami. – Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., columnist.

There are many unanswered questions about Donald Trump. (

In the lead-up to the Iowa caucuses, I listened to Iowans give their views of the presidential candidates. While many of them didn’t shy away from saying why they were supporting others who really have no chance there, Donald Trump has obviously stirred those who are simply fed up with Washington’s ways.

His promise to make America great again has struck a high note with voters even though they have no idea how he would be as president. While they seem to think they have nothing to lose, many of us know better. Beyond his worn out sound bites on the wall, deporting illegals and China, we haven’t heard any specifics on a Trump administration agenda. Continue reading

Noonan’s way with words again on point

“… this is a man who knows how to break through the clutter – but crudely, seemingly off the top of his head, and using his mouth as a blunt instrument.” – Peggy Noonan

So wrote Peggy Noonan in her Saturday Wall Street Journal column, “A Rash Leader in a Grave Time,” in which she calls for a leader with a plan to avoid a Paris style attack on our soil.


WSJ columnist Peggy Noonan devoted her Dec. 12, column to the undisciplined Donald Trump. (

In her unique way with words, Noonan wrote of Donald Trump’s plan to keep all Muslims out of this country, even those citizens returning from foreign vacations. “He doesn’t think it through, doesn’t anticipate legitimate pushback, doesn’t try to persuade, only declares.” Continue reading

Help Wanted: A commander in chief for the U.S.

“No commander in chief of the U. S. armed forces can be wholly irrelevant, but to the extent one can be, Mr. Obama is.” – Peggy Noonan, Nov. 21, 2015

Under the headline, “Uncertain Leadership in Perilous Times,” Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan again demonstrates her unique ability to put her succinct thinking in print.  Briefly reviewing the terrorist attacks in Madrid, London and most recently in Paris, she reflects on the question, what to do?


Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan writes of President Obama’s irrelevance as commander in chief. (

“On this issue the American president is, amazingly, barely relevant.  The leaders and people of Europe and America will not be looking to him for wisdom, will, insight or resolve,” she writes, “He has misjudged ISIS from the beginning – they were not, actually, the junior varsity – to the end.”

As I have previously written for this blog, we have a petulant, arrogant individual in the White House, who chooses to criticize the press for pressing him on his ISIS non-strategy, while ridiculing GOP candidates on their refugee stance.  He says his military and civilian leaders support his position on “containing” ISIS.  I don’t believe it. Continue reading

An open letter to President Obama

During your Manilla press conference this week, you mocked Republicans for their concern over the threat Syrian refugees pose saying, “They’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America.”

Where were you on Aug. 20, 2013, when 1,429 people, including 426 children, in Damascus were killed with Sarin gas?   … read more

Liberal columnist calls Arizona governor ‘foolish and un-American;’ chides him on Syrian refugee issue

“Was even a minute of thought put into this?  A small amount of how the refugee process works and what it means? And whom it helps?” wrote Arizona Republic columnist E. J. Montini, adding that “Having a discussion about refugees and what we are going to do going forward would be useful.”

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A boat load of Syrian refugees, mostly young men, arrives in Greece. Realistically, vetting these individuals is impossible. (

While he loves to criticize Gov. Doug Ducey, Montini should have directed his questions to President Obama and Barbara Strack, chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at Homeland Security, when it was simply announced that we would be welcoming some 10,000 Syrian refugees.  Were the governors briefed on the process? Continue reading

What’s wrong with the Republican Party? Let me count the ways

My wife and I stopped contributing to the Republican National Committee (RNC) years ago when my personal letters written to former chairman Michael Steele were ignored; yet we still receive mailings asking this question.


Another mailed RNC survey to tell them what they already know.

This mailing contained still another survey, asking for our position in a yes or no format regarding immigration, ObamaCare, taxes, regulation and the EPA, climate change, Planned Parenthood, defense, and the Iran nuclear deal.

The survey looks very official, complete with a registration number and a section reserved for office use only, complete with a bar code.

Really, Chairman Priebus, you don’t know where your party stands on these issues? Continue reading

I was wrong on Kasich; outlook isn’t clear on presidency

Regular readers of this blog will recall that I went out on a limb on May 30, favoring Ohio Governor John Kasich for president in 2016.  I was wrong.


(Courtesy of

I liked Kasich for his record on two of the most important issues facing the country today, jobs and the economy.  His experience as the architect of the balanced budget while serving as Chairman of the House Budget Committee when he was in Congress, and his record of job growth in Ohio were impressive.

Kasich’s appeal has fallen victim to the “mad as hell” voters.  We’ve known them before as the “silent majority,” a group of individuals who were dissatisfied, but were complacent.  They didn’t let their feelings known, and worse, they didn’t vote. Continue reading

Court says President Obama not above the law on immigration deportation ploy

“The president must follow the rule of law, just like everyone else.” – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton

Referencing President Obama’s effort to defer deportations for more than four million undocumented immigrants by executive order, Paxton said, “Today, the Fifth Circuit (U.S. Court of Appeals) asserted that the CourtSealusccourts.copm)separation of powers remains the law of the land,” and added that “throughout the process, the Obama administration has aggressively disregarded the constitutional limits on executive power.”

Under the innocuous title, Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DACA), it was devised to apply to the millions who have been in the country since 2010 and have a child who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.  The court has blocked the president’s ploy. Continue reading

Legacy-minded Obama hands GOP campaign issues

It’s amusing to see President Obama, so set on his legacy of met campaign promises that he doesn’t see that his failures not only doom his legacy, but hand the eventual Republican nominee issue upon issue to use against Hillary Clinton.

President Obama has handed the eventual GOP nominee a long list of issues to use against Hillary Clinton, who will be running for Obama’s third term. (

Unfortunately, in the process of his attempt to transform our nation, he is destroying the fabric of America. And he still has 13 months to complete his mission.

His lack of a foreign policy has made the United States a laughing stock. His feckless inability to commit to a strategy to rid the Middle East of ISIS and al Qaeda is further evidence of his failure to use the military power at his disposal.

The nuclear agreement with Iran is so important to the president’s legacy that he’s willing to sign it regardless that it doesn’t stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and will provide Iran with billions of dollars to pursue its “death to America and Israel” goal.

Meanwhile, Russia’s Putin operates as he wishes in the Middle East. Continue reading