Special to female voters for Hillary

Having seen the blank expressions on the faces of women asked about Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments, and why they plan to vote for her, I thought I would offer some responses to help you. It will also help you explain your vote to family and friends. Continue reading

Will a truly patriotic American in the Obama administration please step forward

No, I’m not looking for those who respect the stars and stripes. I’m looking for those civil servants who work in the State Department, the IRS, DOJ and the FBI, who have evidence of corruption, and possibly have that “smoking gun” e-mail in their possession.

Are their jobs more important than the preservation of our national security, our country, our law and order, and their integrity?… read more

Washington Post army of reporters to dig into Trump’s past while working on the ‘essence’ of Hillary

     “There’s a lot we don’t know. We have 20 people working on Trump, we’re going to do a book, we’re doing articles about every phase of his life.” – Bob Woodward

During an appearance on Fox’s Media Buzz this morning, host Howard Kurtz asked the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward about the report that his newspaper has a team of 20 reporters assigned to a Donald Trump book project. The paper will also periodically publish findings in the Post. Continue reading