The 5-4 vote by the Supreme Court in the so-called Hobby Lobby case should serve as a wake-up call for conservatives who still haven’t understood the importance of gaining Republican control of the Senate in the mid-term elections this fall.
If you needed a clearer reminder why a Republican senate is so imperative, the vote in opposition by liberals on the Court, including Obama appointees Elena Kagan and Sonya Sotomayor, is it. Continued Democrat control of the senate will assure the nomination of left-leaning individuals should one or more vacancies occur during the remainder of Obama’s term.
Regular readers of this blog know that I have been reminding you that we need to win six seats in November, most likely in Arkansas, Montana, Louisiana, South Dakota, North Carolina and West Virginia, where incumbent Democrats are most vulnerable.
Fox’s Bill Reilly captured my thoughts so powerfully that they are quoted here today. (
From time to time I happen to be on the same page with Fox’s Bill O’Reilly and, his June 30, 2014 Talking Points on this subject was one of those occasions. It was refreshing because most of the media is inaccurately reporting the implications of the Court decision. And, I noted Hillary Clinton, speaking in Aspen, also misinterpreted the decision; undoubtedly to support her “war on women” agenda.
“The Obama administration wants all corporations to fund things like the morning after pill, which many religious Americans believe is an abortion-inducing medication,” said O’Reilly, but adds, “the national media did not report that … (continuing) to say the Hobby Lobby case is about birth control per se, which it is not.”
Disturbed by the Court opinion of the four liberal justices, O’Reilly states they “apparently believe that American taxpayers should fund abortions.” Noting the fact that religious freedom is a hallmark of the Constitution, he points to the liberal vote as contradicting the Constitution, and “that’s frightening.” Continue reading →