Believe It! Joe Biden is on the Midterm Election Ballot


His name may not be on the ballot, but despite what Democrats would have you believe, Americans will be voting in opposition to Biden’s radical policies that have put our nation on a dangerous footing, economically and national security-wise.  

After my October 4, 2022 tongue-in-cheek piece on voting Democrat, I was  reminded of Ronald Reagan’s memorable line in the final week of the 1980 presidential campaign during a debate with President Jimmy Carter:

“Are you better off today that you were four years ago?”read more

Misconceptions vs Reality in Recent Poll of Americans


For some time now, I’ve noticed that more advertisers of a wide-variety of products and services were producing commercials and print ads featuring blacks and Latinos.

It reminded me of the times in my communications career in the aerospace industry when I was asked by human resources to produce a brochure or slide program. … read more

Inflation and the Economy as Key Election Issues, but the Threat to Democracy, No


For months now, Biden and Democrats, with the aid of the leftist media, have repeatedly voiced the threat to democracy posed by Republicans.  It was in their talking points and repeated in every speech.

In all my years of following the political scene, I do not recall democracy or the threat of democracy, listed as an issue of voter concern in surveys leading up to an election.… read more

Our Country Loses When Biden Tries to Pick a Winner


This is the story of gullible low information voters and weak-kneed automobile manufacturers who have allowed our fossil fuel energy independence to be abandoned to make a transition to renewable fuels with the fantasy of altering climate change.

During Joe Biden’s campaign, there were a number of opportunities for voters to see how he had been convinced by the radical progressives on the left that global warming and climate change needed to be priority number one.… read more

Biden’s Twisted View of the Constitution, Rule of Law and Will of the People


During the 2020 presidential campaign, then candidate Joe Biden told voters that the choice between him and Donald Trump was between the lawful and the lawless.  He called for voters to “support the rule of law, our Constitution.”

Six months into his presidency, Biden openly flouted the Constitution with a knowingly invalid extension of the eviction moratorium, written to keep border crossers out of the U.S.… read more

Another Look at Responsibility and Accountability


Just as I respond to opposing opinions, I like to occasionally call your attention to other writers who agree with me.

Checking my archives in each of the first three months of this year, I devoted space to the subject of responsibility and accountability, usually in disgust of leaders, military and civilian, who failed to accept either.… read more

Politics and Climate Change News Provides Fodder for the Ill-informed


When former football star Herschel Walker, a Republican candidate for Senate in Georgia, began attacking his opponent, Raphael Warnock, as one “who only cares about making a better life for himself, not the people of Georgia,” I decided to look into it. 

People talk about wanting fresh talent and term limits on those who have made millions in Congress, yet Walker is one of those GOP candidates being rapped as unelectable due to his inexperience.… read more

Democrats Chose Insults Over Unity


Joe Biden was elected to be the great unifier and his inaugural address was billed as his “Unity Speech.”  Let’s go back to that day.

“On this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation.  And I ask every American to join me in this cause. read more