Assessing the mythical first 100 days of the Trump presidency

As expected, the media has been making much of the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, with the focus primarily on his failures and his less than stellar approval/disapproval ratings. It’s a continuance of their hatred – yes hatred – of the man who stole the election from their candidate, Hillary Clinton. Continue reading

Will a truly patriotic American in the Obama administration please step forward

No, I’m not looking for those who respect the stars and stripes. I’m looking for those civil servants who work in the State Department, the IRS, DOJ and the FBI, who have evidence of corruption, and possibly have that “smoking gun” e-mail in their possession.

Are their jobs more important than the preservation of our national security, our country, our law and order, and their integrity?… read more

The wasted New Hampshire primary

It’s over, and nothing has changed, except I no longer have to listen to the ridiculous stories about New Hampshire voters, who don’t make up their minds until they step into the voting booth. Balderdash! For what? The entire effort there was for naught, a waste.

The “live free or die” people of the Granite State had an opportunity to right the GOP ship, giving us a clear choice going forward, and they failed us. Continue reading

Recalling two different classes

“Among the supposedly elite and powerful individuals I have met, you could crudely classify two classes; those who know who they are, and those who say, ‘don’t you know who I am?’” – Rupert Murdoch

When I read this nugget in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed by Rupert Murdoch, Chairman of News Corp, I immediately thought of two people, whose lives couldn’t be more different – Donald Trump and former President George W. Bush. Continue reading

Legacy-minded Obama hands GOP campaign issues

It’s amusing to see President Obama, so set on his legacy of met campaign promises that he doesn’t see that his failures not only doom his legacy, but hand the eventual Republican nominee issue upon issue to use against Hillary Clinton.

President Obama has handed the eventual GOP nominee a long list of issues to use against Hillary Clinton, who will be running for Obama’s third term. (

Unfortunately, in the process of his attempt to transform our nation, he is destroying the fabric of America. And he still has 13 months to complete his mission.

His lack of a foreign policy has made the United States a laughing stock. His feckless inability to commit to a strategy to rid the Middle East of ISIS and al Qaeda is further evidence of his failure to use the military power at his disposal.

The nuclear agreement with Iran is so important to the president’s legacy that he’s willing to sign it regardless that it doesn’t stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and will provide Iran with billions of dollars to pursue its “death to America and Israel” goal.

Meanwhile, Russia’s Putin operates as he wishes in the Middle East. Continue reading