Trump supporters also victims of bias … fear of the FBI … not sure Wray can restore FBI … satisfaction of country’s direction highest in 12 years … and hypocrites Pelosi and Clinton

Here are my observations and opinions on selected items in the news.

ATTENTION TRUMP SUPPORTERS – While the DOJ IG Report has proven what most of us already suspected; that there was a deep-seeded bias against Donald Trump the candidate and president by a handful of Obama holdovers, please do not consider yourselves far removed from this judgement because you, too, have been abused.

Those of you who voted for Trump and continue to support him should be outraged that people on the taxpayer payroll not only tried to prevent his election, vowing “we’ll stop it,” but sought “an insurance policy” to delegitimize his victory once he won.

The abuse of Trump voters by FBI Agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page should further outrage you.

On August 26, 2016, Strzok’s disdain for you was obvious in his text to Page that he “could smell the Trump support” during a visit to a Walmart in southern Virginia.

Then there was the text exchange between two FBI employees the day after the election. “Like what happened? You promised me this wouldn’t happen. YOU PROMISED.” wrote one of them. “I am so stressed about what I could have done differently,” the other employee responded.

One of the employees wrote:

“Trump’s supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS (pieces of s**t) and think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing.   They probably didn’t watch the debates, aren’t fully educated on his policies, and are stupidly wrapped up in his unmerited enthusiasm.”

Of course, you know this isn’t new to you. Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters belonging in a “basket of deplorables” during her campaign.

And I’m sure you recall when former President Obama criticized you for being bitter clingers to guns or religion.

Clearly, the elites on the left are pious and pompous and exhibit a disdain for those who voted for Trump and support his Make America Great Again promise.

The IG Report summarized that “The report did not find any evidence of political bias or improper consideration actually impacting the investigation under review.” I don’t buy it and you shouldn’t either.

You and I do know that their bias against us is despicable.

AN ASIDE: During Monday’s Senate hearing, Sen. Lindsay Graham effectively took apart the IG’s summary on bias, viewing it as unbelievable.

YOU MAY RECALL that I once wrote here how a sense of fear accompanied the mere sight of Michael Comey as he moved around Washington DC during his tenure as FBI director.

I found it interesting that David Catron, writing at, “The OIG is infected by a far more dangerous disease than political bias – fear.” Catron believes that the IG Report was “written by people afraid to tell the unvarnished truth about the conduct of the federal government’s police apparatus, an agency that openly defies congressional oversight and has participated in a vendetta against a sitting president.”

“… the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General is filled with people who fear the FBI. Think about that for a minute,” wrote Catron.

Catron believes that the finding that political bias did not affect investigative decisions to be “a cowardly exercise in bureaucratic dissembling deliberately worded to let corrupt FBI officials off the hook and provide talking points for its equally dishonest apologists.”

I WAS PLEASED TO READ that New York Post columnist Michael Goodwin’s view of FBI Director Christopher Wray’s press conference following the release of the IG Report mirrored mine as I observed it in an earlier posting.

“Wray’s performance was worse than disappointing,” wrote Goodwin, “he acted as if the disturbing findings were just another day at the office.”

I found his mild-mannered voice reminiscent of Wally Cox (Your remember him don’t you?).  I wanted Wray to exude confidence that he can restore the integrity of bureau as might be delivered by Charlton Heston, for example.

SATISFACTION WITH DIRECTION OF COUNTRYGallup reports that satisfaction with the direction of the country has reached a 12-year high.

Gallup announced that 38 percent of Americans are satisfied with the way things are going in the United States today. Why should we be impressed with that figure?

It is the highest ranking since the 39 percent recorded in September 2005 and returns us to the historical average of 37 percent; first measured in 1979.

In a breakdown of the poll, just 13 percent of Democrats agree, while Republicans were recorded at 54 percent. The 35 to 55+ age group hit 39 percent. There was little difference among individuals with no college, some college and college graduates where the average was 38.6 percent.

Meanwhile, Rasmussen reports that President Trump’s approval rating hit 48 percent today.


AND LASTLY, MORE FROM THE LOONEY BIN – Did you notice how Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, posing as those who cherish children and quote the Bible – “suffer the little children to come on to me” – are using immigrant children as pawns to beat up on President Trump’s immigration policy while supporting Planned Parenthood and the abortion of thousands of kids each year. Hypocrites!

                       May God bless the United State of America