Bredesen hoodwinks GOP moderates … early voting concerns … don’t believe the polls … Harf no expert … a pre-Halloween scare … liberals confused over Haley resignation … and it’s not so easy to drain the Swamp

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

DON’T VOTE EARLY – Less than a week before early voting begins in Tennessee, voters there have learned that Democrat Senate nominee Phil Bredesen attempted to hoodwink moderate Republicans with his statement that he would have voted to confirm Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Marsha Blackburn (

Two Bredesen field organizers admitted to a Project Veritas journalist that he actually wouldn’t have voted to confirm the judge. “No, it’s a political move … he thinks by saying this he’s appealing to more moderate Republicans and he’ll get more of them to vote for us,” said organizer Maria Amalla. “He wasn’t doing well in the rural parts,“ said organizer Will Stewart.

While believing the people loved Bredesen as governor, Stewart expressed doubt about their voting for him for national office. Thus, the Kavanaugh ruse. “Are the people of Tennessee that ignorant?” asked the journalist. “Yeah,” Stewart responded. endorses Rep. Marsha Blackburn in that Senate race. Early voting begins in Tennessee on October 17, 2018.

YOU EARLY VOTERS in 13 states, some which have been open since September 21, 2018, please be aware of the plan by the angry Democrats to take away your tax cut and impose new taxes.

IN ARIZONA, your early voting opened on Wednesday. You have a golden opportunity to replace Jeff “the” Flake in the Senate with Rep. Martha McSally, a true Republican.

DEFEAT THESE DEMS IN EARLY VOTING – Sen. Heidi Heitkamp in South Dakota; Sen. Bob Menendez in New Jersey; John Testor in Montana; and Joe Donnelly in Indiana. More to follow here next week.

DON’T BELIEVE THE POLLS – Remember 2016. Whether you vote early or on November 6, 2018, it is imperative that you vote Republican. You can be a part of midterm history by putting the party in power back in power. Don’t be complacent.

Marie Harf (

AND DON’T GIVE ANY CREDENCE to Fox News Channel contributor Marie Harf’s belief that women voters will not vote Republican. She’s a Democrat. Harf was merely hired as a contributor to fulfill Fox’s promise to be fair and balanced. She is a lightweight when it comes to the U.S. domestic political scene.

I put Harf in the group of leftists I wrote about earlier this month; those who are flummoxed by white women, saying how could any woman be a conservative? They’re still haunted by the fact that 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump in 2016, according to Ellie Bufkin in The Federalist.

Harf has been critical of President Trump’s foreign policy, primarily because he has changed the course of the lead-from-behind Obama-Kerry policy.

When she was a spokesman for the State Department in February 2015, she said we couldn’t defeat ISIS by killing them; we needed give them jobs. Oh, yeah.

“By any reasonable measure, American women are among the safest, freest, healthiest, best-educated, and opportunity-rich women in the world. Contemporary feminism’s fatal flaw is a dogged refusal to acknowledge that.” – Christina Hoff Sommers

(Courtesy Washington Times)

NOTE TO MARIE HARF: Women who supported Judge Kavanaugh are tired of being ripped on the left as brainwashed, shameful, privilege-defending gender traitors, and it’s starting to annoy them, according to Valerie Richardson of The Washington Times.

There’s a growing irritation with centrist and conservative women who put due process over feminist solidarity. Reminiscent over the call to vote for Hillary simply because she was a woman.

“I find the idea that ‘as a woman’ I must think a certain way extremely patronizing,” commented Allie Stuckey, host of CRTV’s “Relatable.”

A PRE-HALLOWEEN SCARY THOUGHT – If we allow the Democrats to take control of the House on November 6, 2018, think about the quality of leadership that comes with it. Don’t believe the talk of replacing Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as Speaker.


How about Maxine Waters (D-CA) heading the Committee on Financial Services. Once voted the most corrupt member of Congress, she now leads an in-your-face effort to defeat Republicans.

Elijah Cummins (D-SC) would become the chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and Adam Schiff (D-CA) would chair the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) would become chair of the Committee on Judiciary.

THE LEFT CANNOT UNDERSTAND why UN Ambassador Nikki Haley resigned amid all of the Trump administration’s positive foreign policy progress, of which she has been a major player.

Media pundits ask why would she want to leave government work? You see, to liberals, they see making a living off of taxpayers to be a high calling, commented Stephen Kruiser in PJMedia. Liberals give new meaning to “public service.”

THE SWAMP that is Washington DC is not so easy to drain, as President Trump is learning. Not a politician when he ran for the presidency, I am confident he didn’t understand how difficult that would be.

The policy-making agencies and the employees who staff them are politically unaccountable to the elected representatives of the people.

It is nearly impossible to fire the 2.6 million federal bureaucrats who staff the agencies, from which they issue regulations and policy guidance that directly affect the lives of each of us.

When a new party takes the White House, they keep their jobs. As civil servants, they are supposed to neutrally carry out the policy goals of elected officials. You may recall, however, that 95 percent of all political donations made by federal employees went to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

These unelected bureaucrats ensure that the people voters elect are unable to implement their agenda.

You may recall that I wrote about the 200 bureaucrats who attended a publicly advertised seminar on how to use their federal jobs to resist the incoming Trump administration.

Built-in job protections make it next to impossible to fire a federal employee. It can take a year or more, with multiple appeals, to do so.

Last year, at the president’s insistence, the Senate passed a bill to make it easier to fire a Veteran’s Administration employee, but that is being challenged.

Imagine the frustration of President Trump, who became known for his phrase, “You’re Fired.”
