John Dean the fraud … the demise of Fox … Biden the front-runner … with no enthusiasm … called the new Hillary … by Pennsylvania still for Trump … Tlaib talks of handouts for low income people … Obama’s poor economy … and laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

A WATERGATE FLASHBACK WORTH NOTING – Most of you may recall that John Dean played a central role in a cover-up in a conspiracy to obstruct justice, and committed a series of additional crimes.

What you may not know is that prosecutors persuaded Judge John Sirica to sentence Dean to a 1 to 4-year prison term, with incarceration to begin on the first day of the cover-up trial. A week after the trial ended, Sirica, on his own motion, reduced Dean’s sentence to time served.

He was set free after only four months of technical confinement. In actuality, Dean never spent a single night in jail; he spent his nights in a witness holding facility at Ft. Holabird, Maryland. On most days he was driven by federal marshals to his dedicated office in the special prosecutors’ suite.

To this date, the American public believes that Dean was appropriately punished for his involvement in Watergate. Even Judge Sirica bragged in books that his imposing of a harsh sentence and imprisoning Dean prior to his trial, made Dean a more believable witness, in truth. It was a fraud.

MEANWHILE, recall that Paul Manafort, found guilty of his financial dealings, was kept in solitary confinement in Virginia during his trial, and is now in solitary in New York’s worst prison, Rikers Island.

Although Manafort has not been charged with anything related to his short term as campaign manager for Donald Trump, it is because of his past connection with President Trump that he is being treated more harshly, attorney Alan Dershowitz recently noted with outrage.

THE DEMISE OF FOX NEWS CHANNEL – Lately, I cannot believe what I am seeing on Fox News Channel.

There was the hiring of former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazille as a contributor.

Then, Fox hosts hour-long townhalls for Democrat presidential candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, and soon Julian Castro, while they unashamedly dish out insults of the network. Yes, I know, it gives Fox viewers insight to the left’s wacko ideas.

There’s more. On Fox News Sunday, two of the panelists were solid leftists – the Washington Post’s Anne Gearan and Neera Tanden of the George Soros funded Center for American Progress.

Gearan was the lead reporter of the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016. Jake Sullivan, Hillary’s top policy advisor, reportedly once said that Gearan “professed to be a big fan” of Clinton. Tanden, an advocate of liberal points of view, worked on both the Obama and Clinton campaigns.

There’s more … on Media Buzz Sunday, host Howie Kurtz allowed the left-leaning Chicago Tribune columnist and editorial board member Clarence Page to filibuster against President Trump.

THE HIGHS AND LOWS OF BIDEN are being brought forward by those who follow politics, and Apology Joe Biden is being referred to as the front-runner among the 20 something Democrat candidates, based on his stature and name recognition.

There are references to Walter Mondale, another former vice president who was a front-runner, and eventually won the Democrat nomination in 1984. But then there was also Edmund Muskie, who was the clear front-runner before being knocked out by George McGovern in 1972.

Of course, we recall another inevitable nominee, a front-runner by the name of Jeb Bush in 2016.

Despite polls – who can really believe them anymore? – show him beating President Trump, less than three in ten of Biden’s supporters say they’re less than extremely enthusiastic about his candidacy.

“He (Biden) has many party strategists convinced that he’s the only Democrat who can win back blue-collar voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin,” comments John Fund in National Review. “But Biden’s strength with blue-collar voters isn’t preordained if he runs an erratic campaign full of flip flops, lapses and odd behavior.”

Some good news on Trump in Pennsylvania came from the Engagious/FPG focus group of Erie, Pennsylvania where swing voters who switched from Obama to Trump in 2016 appear to be sticking with Trump again this time around.

Interestingly, the liberal Salon sees Biden as far too moderate and writer Bill Curry asks “Is Joe Biden the new Hillary?” That caused Stephen Green at Vodkapundit to comment, “When you think about it, it’s probably the worst thing one progressive could possibly say about another because Clinton committed the cardinal sin – she lost.”

In the Wall Street Journal op-ed, “Progressives Who Prefer Trump to Biden,” writer Ted Rall claims, “Hard as it is for centrist Democrats to fathom, many progressives would rather see a second term Trump than a President Biden, who would govern through Clintonian triangulation. And all those progressives have to do to win is sit on their hands.

BACK IN MICHIGAN – Michigan voters should be so proud. The radical far-left freshman Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib, has released a plan that would pay lower and middle-class Americans thousands of dollars each month in exchange for doing absolutely nothing.

The Washington Post reports that Tlaib’s bill would give direct cash help to those at the bottom of “income distribution” – income distribution? – $3,000 to individuals and $6,000 to families “in an attempt to reduce poverty and bolster wages of the poor.”

Tlaib calls her plan “earned income tax credits on steroids,” providing an umbrella for families that make $50,000 or less if single, or for families making $100,000 or less.

OBAMA’S POOR ECONOMY was on display with summary charts of key performance measurements of the economy during the eight years of Obama Democrat era produced not by Republicans, but by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

Everything that should have been up – labor force participation, workers’ share of economy, median family income and home ownership – were down. Those measurements that should have been down – student loans, food stamps, federal debt, money printing, and health insurance costs – were up.

There’s your ammunition to respond to the next liberal who tells you Trump inherited a revived Obama economy.

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY is provided by Ryan Fournier, who tweeted @RyanAFornier: “Pelosi said she wants to see Trump in prison. I highly doubt he’s got the time to visit her.”

   May God bless the United States of America.