Dubai Restaurants, Hotels and Casinos Big Winners in COP28 Climate Summit


From “Day One” of the Biden administration, when the president singled out our reentering the Paris Accord on climate change as a priority, he has referred to climate change as a major threat to our existence.

It didn’t come as a surprise.  During the October 22, 2020 presidential debate, he declared, “I would transfer away from the oil industry. … read more

If Trump is a Wannabe Dictator? Biden Already is One


Most of us view a dictatorship as an autocratic form of government in which one person possesses absolute power without constitutional approval.

Democrats claim former President Trump acted dictatorially while Republicans view President Biden similarly.  Biden unsuccessfully attempted to cover his decisions by including the word “democracy” in his statements.… read more

Biden’s Dream of an All-Electric Vehicle Transportation System Continues to Fade


More than two years ago; on August 16, 2021 to be specific, President Biden was ecstatic during the signing of the bipartisan infrastructure package into law.

He laughs while we pick up the tab.

It included $7.5 billion specifically directed toward electric vehicle chargers, with a goal of building 500,000 chargers across the United States by 2030.… read more

I’m Back in the Saddle Again


From the lyrics to the song made famous by former cowboy star Gene Autry, “I’m back in the saddle again,” after taking a brief respite to enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends.

Now that I’m back, there are several stories that call for commentary on my part. In covering my first topic, I will be checking off two topics on my list.… read more

Democrats’ One-Sided Hearing on Jan. 6 Getting Transparency


As a refresher, let’s remember that then Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected five Republican House members selected by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to serve on the Jan. 6 Committee, questioning the impact that their appointments may have on “the integrity of the investigation.”

Then she allowed RINO’s Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger to represent the Republican side, both with a mission to get Trump.… read more

Leftist Columnist Wants More Negative Press on Trump


Unless you are an old movie buff, the name Margaret Sullivan won’t mean a thing to you, but there’s another Margaret Sullivan, who writes opinion pieces for the left-leaning newspaper The Guardian, that claims to be independent.


Not a reader of The Guardian, my thanks go to journalist Matt Taibbi for drawing my attention to it in his column in which he writes about Sullivan’s concern that the media has not adequately communicated “the dangers of a Trump win,” after noting that Joe Biden trails in key states.… read more

From My Stack of Stuff


It has been a few days since I offered my commentary on the political scene, and I have again tapped my stack of stuff for topics that have not been appropriately covered by the mainstream media.

Biden and the UAW

President Biden was back on the road again touting union auto workers in Belvidere, Illinois the site of a Stellantis plant, and again quoting his Dad, who said, “Joey, a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. … read more

Retreads: Okay for Your Car, But Proven Poor Choice in Government


Contrary to commonly held beliefs, studies have shown that retread tires offer reliability comparable to new tires, according to the National Highway Safety Administration, after concluding two decades of study.

A retread in government, someone who has previously served in a certain capacity in an earlier administration, however, is rarely effective.… read more

‘Higher Education May Have Finally Crossed the Line’


I haven’t commented extensively on the rash of antisemitism demonstrations taking place around the world, especially in the United States, except for a brief comment about misguided college students, who no-doubt are being paid by the likes of George Soros’ Open Society, and the lying Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Like me, perhaps you have been skeptical whether they know why they are waving Palestinian flags and yelling obscenities about Jews.… read more