Don’t Be So Sure That the Climate Extremists Have Won


I borrowed the headline for this post from a fellow blogger, Francis Menton, who stays atop the global energy system better than anyone in his blog, Manhattan Contrarian.  Regular readers may recall that I quote him frequently.

Like me, I believe many of you are concerned with the Biden administration’s fantasy agenda of transforming our nation, and the world, off fossil fuels in favor of renewables wind and solar.… read more

‘Targeting’ Mexican Cartels and Biden’s Big Lie on Drilling Permits


Regular readers may recall that I suggested here, on September 14, 2022, that those Mexican cartels responsible for producing fentanyl pills for smuggling into America needed to be treated as terrorists.

That is, they should be taken out just as we did Qasem Soleimani and Ayman al Zawahiri.  While they were eliminated with the use of drone-fired Hellfire missiles, I suggested we tap the covert intelligence capability of the CIA to systematically destroy their labs, one by one. … read more

Two Different Magazines in Opposition to Trump Six Years Apart


When I received my latest edition of Washington Examiner magazine, with the main headline, “Time for Trump to Go,” along with an unflattering cartoon characteristic of the former president, I immediately recalled a magazine cover that shocked the conservative community shortly after his decision to run in 2016.

National Review

It was the February 15, 2016, edition of National Review, with its bright blue cover with the words, “Against Trump” in gold that shocked many conservatives. … read more

The GOP Needs to Stop Wasteful Spending on the Climate Change Fantasy


Regular readers will recall my quoting the campaigning Joe Biden’s pledge to end our dependence on fossil fuels, and later President Biden’s executive order to end our energy independence and his costly legislation to transform the nation into a dependence on energy from wind and solar.

As I have previously written, I don’t think most of those who voted for Biden actually believed he would be able to follow through with his pledge, but here we are today, in an untenable position.… read more

You Can Stop Wondering How Historians Will Record Trump’s Accomplishments


In my research, I frequently see references that former President Trump’s accomplishments will be judged by historians. HA!

The best-known modern day presidential historians – Jon Meacham, Michael Beschloss and Doris Kearns Goodwin – have already gone on record as anti-Trump, without giving his accomplishments a chance to percolate over time.… read more

Reactions to Trump’s Decision to Run in 2024 Understandably Mixed


The Tone

Much has been written about the tone of former President Trump’s speech. It was generally viewed as restrained, low key, tightly scripted and lacking the cocky swagger and energy supporters have been accustomed to.

“For all those tuning in to Donald Trump’s announcement of his presidential candidacy Tuesday night expecting to see a rip-roaring, fired-up Trump tearing into Joe Biden, trashing the fake news, and generally riling up the crowd, they were disappointed,” wrote Bob Hoge in his Red State piece, “Trump Shocks the World by Nearly Putting Us to Sleep.”… read more

Positioning the Republican Party for 2024 – Part 1


Regular readers know that I went out on a limb with my predictions in the midterms.  Not since my “Kasich for President” post on May 30, 2015 was I so wrong.  Crow is hard to swallow.


Today, the full results of candidates for the House are still not in, and we are awaiting a runoff between Senate candidates Walker and Warnock in Georgia on December 6, 2022, but the rumbling over former President Trump’s expected decision for 2024 already looms large, along with the future of the Republican Party.… read more