No Surprise, Biden Botches Afghan Withdrawal; Blames Trump


“I think he (Biden) has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” – former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

That was hardly what candidate Joe Biden wanted to hear from someone as distinguished as Gates going into his campaign.  But as a longtime member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including a stint as its chair, and his eight-years as vice president under Barack Obama, his role was seen as insignificant.… read more

Biden Right at Home at G-7 Globalization Funfest


President Biden had to be delighted that NBC, in its overview of the G-7 Summit, referred to him as “a veteran statesman … who has traveled the world for decades as vice president and as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.” 

Of course, the network failed to mention any foreign policy achievements during his travels.… read more

A Wannabe Statesman Fails Again, and a Real Statesman Writes of GOP Future


CALL IT PROPHETIC, prescient, predictive, or just plain intuition.

The day before the celebration of D-Day, the taking of the Normandy beachhead by Allied Forces, I wrote:

“It is my hope that someone on the White House staff reminds the president of the anniversary of D-Day, and that he pays tribute to those who lost their lives.”read more

The Little-Known Capture of the Pegasus Bridge


In my past recognition of the anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of the beaches of Normandy, June 6, 1944, I wrote of the trip my wife and I took there in 1999.  It is among the most memorable of our trips across Europe.

On this, the 77th anniversary, I decided to tell you about a military mission leading up to the invasion that gets little recognition – the capture and securing of Pegasus Bridge at Benouville, France.… read more

Granholm A Big Winner in ‘Public Service’


Earlier this month, I wrote about the smug response Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s energy secretary, gave to a reporter who questioned her lack of concern for the significant threat to national security caused by the cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline, which serves 45 percent of the gasoline and other fuels on the East Coast.… read more

Robert Gates’ Misguided Criticism of the Republican Party


Appearing on CBS Face the Nation Sunday, Robert Gates criticized the values and the principles of the Republican Party, saying he didn’t think the five Republican presidents he worked for would recognize the Republican Party today. 

It’s difficult for me to criticize Gates, a man with a truly impressive resume of public service to America, but apparently values and principles weren’t important to him when he worked for Barack Obama, among three Democrat presidents.… read more

‘It’s All Just Beginning to Get Interesting’


Apologies to Stephen Kruiser at PJ Media for lifting a quote from his Morning Briefing, “The GOP Isn’t in Turmoil, It’s Growing the Hell Up,” as the headline on this edition of my blog.  It was too good to ignore.

Regular readers will recall my recent attempts to encourage Republicans to change from their usual passivity on issues and grow a backbone.… read more

COMMENTARY: Those Phony Charges of Voter Suppression and Racism

IT’S MALARKY, to borrow a term from our puppet President Joe Biden.  The left is intentionally peddling misinformation.

When Republicans talk about voter-ID, signature verification, early poll closings, reducing early voting days, and limiting no-excuse ballot requests, the left shouts voter suppression, disenfranchising minority voters, and racism. 

However, a close look at voting rules in their blue states reveals that they, too, are then guilty as charged.… read more

No Need to Sacrifice Your Loyalty to Criticize Trump


“It didn’t have to be this way.  The president had every right – even an obligation, given the ad hoc changes to voting rules, to challenge state election results in court.  But when those challenges failed (which every one did, completely), he had the opportunity to embrace his legacy, cement his accomplishments, and continue to play a powerful role in GOP politics.”read more