Tim Scott, the Right Black at the Right Time for America


Amid the left’s demagoguing of conservative blacks in the Republican Party, South Carolina’s black Republican Sen. Tim Scott, 57, hasn’t officially entered the 2024 presidential race, but he is exploring the possibility.


I have followed Scott’s career about as long as his decade in the U.S.… read more

Unwhittingly, Jane Fonda Accuses the Biden Administration of Racism


If anybody told me that I would one day be quoting Jane Fonda in my blog, I would have said they were ready for the looney bin, but her latest rant was just too good to pass up.

Fonda, now 85, made news this week when she blamed the climate crisis on racism during an appearance on “The Kelly Clarkson Show.”read more

A New Speaker of the House, News from the Twitter Files, Biden’s Border Photo Op and Unfinished Business


I’m back at the keyboard after taking a little time off.  I followed the vote for Kevin McCarthy, I waded through the volume of Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss’ findings in the Twitter files, and most recently noted President Biden’s photo op in El Paso.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Just a few brief observations.… read more

Filling the Vacuum Again Left by Lazy Journalists


Former President Trump is in the news and again charging fake news with reporting what he said with “more disinformation and lies.”  Writing in Truth Social last Saturday, he suggested “the termination of all rules … even those found in the Constitution,” as he again returned to voter fraud.

It comes less than a month after his announced plan to again run for the presidency in 2024. … read more

A Few Election Briefs in the Countdown to the Midterms


In addition to looking forward to watching the news without those political ads, I’m hopeful the pundits will finally drop the use of the term “kitchen table” issues.

Regular readers may recall my June 7, 2022 commentary in which I expressed my disapproval in its use, informing you that research revealed that just 29 percent of families currently eat together on a regular basis. … read more

Watching the Deterioration of Our Military on President Biden’s Watch


As a proud Air Force veteran, who has frequently written about the value of that experience in my career, regular readers may also recall my commentaries in which I have been highly critical of what was happening to our military under President Biden.

It has been disheartening to see how Biden has allowed our military to deteriorate as he invoked policies that involved using our military service men and women as his experimental subjects in quasi clinical studies.… read more

Harris Vying for Top Laughingstock Honors with Biden


Vice President Harris was at it again Monday night, making convoluted comments that made no sense whatsoever, during an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers

(Fox News)

Speaking about immigration and the border, she referred to the people who have fled great harm to seek refuge and decried the “political theater” being played with their lives.… read more

More Than Ever, Our Military Service Men and Women Need the Change We Can Bring About in the Midterms


“… and may God protect our troops.”

And so, President Biden regularly concludes another speech.  Just words.

I’m not questioning his appreciation of the troops, but as a veteran who supports a strong military, I have never been more disheartened by what has been taking place in the Pentagon since Biden came into office. … read more