ON THE BORDER – Preparing to board his helicopter, President Biden responded to a single reporter’s question regarding his plans to visit the border to find out what’s going on down there. “At some time I will, yes,” adding “I know what’s going on in those facilities.” Well, Mr. President … there’s a crisis down there; don’t you think it would be a good time to go down there? … read more
The Media
COMMENTARY: George W. Bush Breaks His Silence and Nobody Cares
It was a chilly day with a light rain, September 27, 2002, when my wife and I went to the Coconino County Fairgrounds in Flagstaff, Arizona to see and hear President George W. Bush speak. “I love the rain,” he said to a rousing applause, “thanks for standing out here. I appreciate you all enduring the weather.”… read more
COMMENTARY: Fauci Calls Trump’s Help ‘A Game Changer’… Naivete of Republic’s Latina Columnist Surfaces Again
TRUMP URGES SUPPORTERS – During a prime-time Tuesday telephone interview on Fox News Channel with Maria Bartiromo, former President Trump urged Americans to get vaccinated to help fight the Covid pandemic. “I would recommend it,” especially urging those “who don’t want to get it … a lot of those people voted for me.”… read more
COMMENTARY: Radical Left Proposes Federal Takeover of Elections with Drastic Changes that Threaten Democracy with HR 1
FOR THE PEOPLE ACT – That’s the public relations title the crafty progressives on the left have assigned to HR 1, a bill that would change our election process on a massive scale never before attempted. It’s also referred to as the “voting rights” bill; who wouldn’t support that?
I had intended comment on HR 1 for days, but it was an ad in the leftist Arizona Republic newspaper this morning that triggered this commentary. … read more
COMMENTARY: Sen. Cotton is No ‘Squish’ … Racism in Higher Education … Prager on Education … and the ‘Armed Insurrection’ That Wasn’t
FLASHBACK – In my last blog post I wrote of weak-kneed senators, unwilling to fight for Republican values, referred to as “squishes” by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall. Well, Sen. Tom Cotton is no squish.
Despite the fact that Vanita Gupta, Biden’s nominee for associate attorney general, is certain to be confirmed, Cotton confronted her over her earlier comment that “there is not an institution in this country that isn’t suffering from institutional racism.”… read more
COMMENTARY: On Stories in the News You May Have Missed
“SQUISHES” is the term Kurt Schlichter used to appropriately describe the Republican senators who have decided not to run for office again, in his Townhall piece, “The GOP Squishes Retire.”

Perhaps your children or grandchildren have a Squish or more that they play with; they are spongy toys that come in shapes, including odd characters and animals.… read more
Biden’s Pathetic First Prime-Time Address to the Nation
PATHETIC – That’s the word I believe best describes President Biden’s TV appearance Thursday night. On one hand, there were those who had high expectations on the one-year anniversary of the pandemic. On the other hand, there were those with mixed expectations.
I am sure there were Biden supporters who were pumped. … read more
Is Biden Searching for the Nation’s Soul Amongst the Illegals?
IN SEARCH OF OUR SOUL – When Joe Biden launched his bid for the presidency in 2019, he said, “we are in a battle for the soul of the nation,” as he drifted off into a bit of mumbo jumbo about ending the “divisiveness that has marked the last four years.”… read more
Surviving on Biden’s Path to Progressive Obscurity
Having had it up to here with things I see happening in our country, on February 9, 2021 I wrote, “Stop the world, I want to get off,” but the world won’t stop and neither does the nonsense.
We have the cancel culture working overtime to discover wrongs from our past.… read more
‘The Vote’ … from the GOP’s future, fraud in Mississippi, the left’s effort to kill photo-IDs, and Senator Sinema’s noteworthy thumbs down vote
WELCOME NEWS – A dozen members of the 150-member Republican Study Committee met last week with former Vice President Mike Pence to hash out conservative priorities for the party with some internal division as to who will lead it, according to Susan Ferrechio of the Washington Examiner.
In discussions on the agenda going forward, they indicated it would center on the usual GOP issues – national defense, anti-abortion policies and election security – it would center on advocating and defending the Trump administration record.… read more