PAUL KRUGMAN, not exactly a name known to most of America, so allow me to remind you of his New York Times prediction on the night of the 2016 presidential election, that if Donald Trump wins, there will be a “global recession.” And “if the question is when will markets recover, a first pass answer is never.”… read more
The Media
SPECIAL: It’s time to reflect on those Never Trumpers … Dear Readers, This essay is longer than usual, but well worth your reading

Many of us conservatives were shocked when National Review, the magazine of conservative thought, was so convinced that Donald Trump was not a conservative, that it devoted its February 15, 2016 issue to bring down his candidacy.
I was an admirer of the magazine’s conservative founder, William F. Buckley Jr, who passed away in February 2008. … read more
Cindy McCain endorses Biden … says she’s still a Republican … sorry, Cindy, RINOS not wanted … join Flake … those Blue States are at it again … now altering voting deadlines … and 235 senior retired military officers endorse President Trump
STILL CARRYING GRUDGE against President Trump, Cindy McCain says she endorses Joe Biden for president, while claiming “she will remain a registered Republican.” RINOs are not true Republicans.
I’m sure the left-leaning Arizona Republic leaped at another opportunity to print opposition material against the president. A 72-point headline, “McCain endorses Biden,” was carried across all four columns of page one with full-color photo of the late senator’s wife posing with a director’s chair bearing her husband’s name.… read more
SPECIAL: Expect Lindsey Graham to Control the Supreme Court Nomination hearing; Preventing Another Kavanaugh Character Assassination
“I’M GOING TO REMEMBER THIS,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham as he accused Senate Democrats of “the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics” during the hearings for Justice Kavanaugh.
Visibly angry over their effort to ruin Kavanaugh’s reputation, Graham said, “What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open, and hope you win in 2020.… read more
Don’t count Collins out … Gingrich, Feinstein on religious litmus test … Arizona Republic continues hatchet job on McSally … university prof wants to see Trump supporters die … and the misguided idea that climate can be altered
I’M NOT CONVINCED that Maine Sen. Susan Collins will vote against confirmation of President Trump’s nomination to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Yes, I read her position statement against a vote prior to the election, but I recall her thoughtful consideration of Justice Kavanaugh during his confirmation process when she was thought to be a “no” vote.… read more
Court nomination high on voters’ minds … Ginsburg’s missed opportunity … Biden making it up … an unbelievable endorsement for Biden … and Trump’s approval rating hits 53 percent
THE SUPREME COURT NOMINATION gives even more meaning to the belief that this coming election will be the most important in modern day political history. Just as it was revealed in the CBS News exit polling in 2016, when they found that most Americans – 70 percent – considered Supreme Court appointments an important, or the most important, factor in deciding their vote for president, that statistic is likely to be consistent with 2020 thinking.… read more
Biden insults intelligence of suburban wives … my pathetic daily newspaper … editorial board caves on BLM … university complicit with BLM … and Latino columnist shames her community for supporting Trump
“IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID” seems to havebeen replaced by “It’s the Suburbs Stupid” by the Democrats as the campaign for the presidency closes in on November 3, 2020.
The focus group-oriented Democrats have seemingly conceded that President Trump leads polls on the performance of the economy, but would have you believe the president is in trouble with suburban wives.… read more
Harris forgets she’s #2 … The Atlantic’s scare tactic … double-voting in Georgia … Trump signs lower drug price order … words of wisdom from Thomas Sowell … and a response to Hillary
‘NOT SO FAST, KAMALA HARRIS,’ was the lead into Yaron Steinbach’s piece in the New York Post, in which he reported on how the Democrat vice presidential candidate “got a bit ahead of herself when she referred to the ‘Harris administration,’ while discussing economic plans during a virtual roundtable.”… read more
Faith leaders overstep … blaming climate change for fires … Biden calls Trump a climate arsonist … panders to suburban women … familiar with forest clearing … and Biden loses it on shooting of sheriff deputies
I RESPECT religious leaders who speak out on morality, even when they do so outside of their places of worship, in print and in television interviews. However, a group of faith leaders in Phoenix, Arizona strayed in an Arizona Republic op-ed calling for a “moral summons to combat climate change.”
They continued to use the tired, unproven statement that the “vast majority of climate scientists” tell us that, to protect our health and economy, we must deal with the imminent and coming threats of climate change.… read more
Death knell for Academy Awards … a diversity mandate … stop fretting over Woodward … how Biden caused panic … more distractions … Noonan’s at it again … and no trust in the media by registered voters in CBS poll
THOSE ACADEMY AWARDS – I lost interest in the Academy Awards years ago. I like to make up my own mind on what movies are worth seeing and whether a certain actor or actress was outstanding.
Last week, the awards people released new eligibility rules for nominations to vie for the vaunted gold-plated statue. … read more